Friday, March 06, 2009

Since its inception as an offshoot of The Weinstein Company, the Dimension Extreme label has quickly become known for graphically gory horror movies and over-the-top actioners and although sometimes these genres lend themselves to comedic moments, Dimension Extreme hasn’t yet released a straight-up comedy. But now it seems that Dimension Extreme has found its ideal comedy release in a movie that almost seems named for the label: Extreme Movie. But with a cover declaring its UNRATED status and prominently featuring two scantily clad girls, has-beens, budding superstar Michael Cera, a relative unknown, and a sheep with a spiked collar, it’s pretty clear this is not going to be top-knotch entertainment.

The discovery that incredibly overrated SNLers Andy Samberg and Will Forte are included in the 10 screenwriters is not overtly shocking considering that the movie plays out like an unrated hour-long episode of the slowly unraveling iconic television show. Here’s the central plot: high-schooler Mike (Ryan Pinkston) has a crush on sex-ed classmate Stacy (Cherilyn Wilson) but can’t quite get up the nerve to tell her. Surrounding this relatively standard high school comedy story are numerous offshoot sketch comedy bits revolving around various bit characters in the main story. As is to be expected, the majority of the bits are based around sex humor, with shorts ranging from one guy’s sexual obsession with Abraham Lincoln (weird and completely unfunny) to Matthew Lillard (as Matthew Lillard) giving sex advice (out of place and a bit forced) to a Weird Science knockoff that goes horribly awry (one of the funnier bits). And although most of the sketches are forgettable there are a few that stand out - though for different reasons.

Michael Cera’s sketch, though only about five minutes long and slightly predictable, provides a few decent laughs - mainly due to Cera’s well-known brand of awkward comedic timing. Jamie Kennedy’s sketch is one of the more bawdy (in a series of bawdy sketches) but still delivers laughs. But it’s the sketch about a kid (Andy Milonakis) who starts “dating” a vagina toy from a sex shop that provides the most comedy gold in this film.

Overall, it’s clear that Extreme Movie was quietly released straight-to-DVD for a reason - it’s shorter than most features, lacks a solid plotline, and comes up a bit weak in the comedy category. That being said, it’s not a complete bomb. There are enough laughs here to make it worth a watch, and most of the acting is actually decent. Directors Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson may not have created a masterpiece, but they created what they intended - a relatively funny diversion centering on the world of teenage hormones.

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